PDO Thread Lifts involve dissolvable suture type threads, thinner than hair, that are medical grade and used for “lifting”  and tightening tissue along with sparking increased collagen formation to generate youthful appearance.


PDO stands for polydiaxanone, and it is a polymer that is used for several biomedical applications including sutures.  It is dissolvable and between two and six months it’s gone. As it slowly dissolves, the byproducts are excreted through urine.

The PDO threads are excellent at “lifting” tissue to minimize folds and/or wrinkles. Placement of the sutures occurs by numbing the skin and then inserting a cannula subcutaneously through the area of skin that needs “lifting”. The insertion of the threads occurs through a needle hole, and after the procedure there’s no incision or significant bleeding.


Since the threads dissolve within a few months, the tissue would simply sag back to where it was prior to the procedure. However, the placement of the thread initiates a biological reaction that includes increased collagen and elastin formation. This increased tissue then holds the skin in its new position, making the more youthful appearance last for a much longer time.

When it comes to thread lift procedures, the sutures come mostly in two types. One is barbed, where the sutures have various tiny “points” that emanate from the sutures in several directions. These are excellent at being used to hold tissue once it’s pulled to minimize wrinkles and folds.


The other type are smooth PDO threads. While smooth threads are not able to hold tissue, they do spark a biological reaction under the skin. This includes an increase in elastin and collagen formation, which is very helpful at helping the skin achieve a more youthful appearance with reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

Thread lifts are a fantastic minimally invasive method of lifting skin that has wrinkles and is sagging. This includes marionette lines, smoker’s lines, crow’s feet and more.

Thread lift procedures are generally very safe. But they should be done by individuals who have obtained proper training, such as with R3 Medical.


One may see thread protrusion, skin puckering or unbalanced results if the threads aren’t properly implanted. This is why we offer such hands on training!


Is it a replacement for a face lift surgery?


Not really. There are limitations as to what thread lift procedures can accomplish. However, it can be great at maintaining a face lift, or for someone who has wrinkles and fine lines that are not ready for surgery it can prevent the need for a long time.

PDO Thread Lifts can be performed under the scope of several different provider types. This will vary from state to state. For instance, licensed MD and DO’s who achieve certification in threads can perform them in any state. In almost all states, Nurse Practitioners are allowed to independently perform thread lifts.


When it comes to PA’s, Naturopathic Doctors, RN’s and aestheticians, there will be variations from state to state with regards to independent scope or underneath a medical director.

The Basic PDO Thread Lift Course is a full day and will teach providers the following with regards to face and neck procedures:


    1. Who is a candidate for thread lift procedures?
    2. How to evaluate patients prior to procedure and technical planning.
    3. Complications to avoid.
    4. Which threads to use and where, and hands on technical application with real patients (and each other).
    5. Post procedure instructions and what to watch out for.

The advanced course goes further than the Basic Course, and extends beyond just the face. Attendees will learn specifics of neck thread lifts, along with other areas of the body such as abdomen, legs/arms and more. The student/teacher ratio is significantly less in the Advanced class, with hands on experience a priority and specific body areas being customized to the student’s desires.